
Amazing 'lashes with these tips...

How to Get the Longest, Thickest Lashes Ever

There was a wealth of good tips in the above article.  Some I already knew, and a few I didn't.  Some of the tips I find the most helpful/interesting:

1. "Make top lashes look longer by pushing outer lashes towards the temples, the middle ones up towards the brows, and the inner lashes to the nose. This sunray effect drastically makes lashes look longer. Apply the same technique to lower lashes with the center lashes pointed straight down towards the jaw."

This is wholly different from my usual sweep towards the outside of my eye technique, but it makes sense and is worth trying.

2. "Use lengthening mascara first to comb and separate lashes and [then] build a few coats of a thickening mascara to create dense drama."

I actually would have applied the voluming mascara first, and then add the lengething to the ends, sometime I'll post the effects of each technique.

3. "Use a rolling technique with the wand (roll the wand with your hands as you apply) to push the lash teeth deep into the lash roots and pull the wand to the tips."

Oh, so that's how you do it!

4. "Try using dark brown mascara on the inner half of the eye and black mascara on the outer lashes. This creates dimension and elongates the lankiest outer part of the lashes." -- Bettelli

I like the idea of this, and I would also like to try navy on the inside, or some other color combination as well.  This should be a more natural look...I will have to test this also!


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